Construction Law
Swedish construction law is to a large extent built on standard form contracts – AB 04, ABT 06, ABK 09, ABM 07 among others. Our construction team at Walthon Advokater have participated in the drafting of AB 04 and ABT 06, AB-U, ABT-U, ABS as well as industry specific contracts, e.g. in the painting, glass and facade, isolation and cooling industries.
We also have a broad experience of NL, NLM and ABA and the complex legal circumstances of assembling and delivering industrial plants.
We give daily advice with respect to procurement, interpreting tender offers, contracts, creating and interpreting construction agreements and documents, but also matters that concern e.g. adjustments and add-on work, hindrances and disturbances, costs due to dislodgements and changed circumstances, surveying and dispute resolution.
Walthon Advokater also provides member counselling to industry organisations within the construction industry where we have a large external educational business. Our lawyers often conduct highly appreciated educations, lectures and seminars for different actors in the construction industry. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive more information about our current educations.
For inquiries, please contact: Madeleine Sifvert, Mats Willman, Michael Cohen and Henrik Sjögren.

Mats Willman
Cooperating Attorney 070-878 37 83
Madeleine Sifvert
Partner / Advokat 070-716 67 03
Hanna Adlén
Senior Associate / Advokat 072-699 69 27
Henrik Sjögren
Senior Associate / Advokat 073-926 25 58